Game Trails - When hunting for any big game species if you are not seeing many animals it is always good to look for tracks or any kind of sign, especially when you are hunting a migratory herd. Weather can have a big affect on the game you are hunting, if you are hunting when the weather is extremely hot the likely hood of you seeing much game is probably not going to happen. Even though you might not be seeing many animals doesn’t mean they are not around, so we must look for sign. By doing this we want to find as many game trails as we can to see if there is fresh sign, start out by looking for sign at water holes. If there is a lot of water in the area, the game trails will generally not be as definitive. The best place to narrow down an area where elk or deer are hanging is at a water hole separate from any other water by at least a mile. If you have great habitat for elk and deer around the water you should have a game trail that looks like a highway. If there is a well-defined game trail with little to no sigh on it you probably need to change locations especially when dealing with a migratory herd.