Recap of Third Season 2014
The third season elk hunt was a little slower but we still got some elk on the ground. This third season we had five hunters; two with cow tags and three with bull tags. Even though the season was a little slower, we had more missed opportunities than we did the first two seasons. One problem that kept occurring is our hunters with cow tags kept having bulls run in front of them and our hunters with bull tags had plenty of opportunities at cows. Opening day was exciting. We saw about 250 head of elk but couldn't get them to cross the fence line. Some of the elk did disperse and go through cow creek. We had two hunters in cow creek, one on the dug way and one in Fort Norm. Our Hunter in Fort Norm had different opportunities to shoot cows one at about thirty yards. Our hunter on the dug way had a cow tag but couldn't get anything close enough to shoot. During the evening hunt we had a hunter make a great shot on a nice 5x5 bull. We drug it down, had it hanging in the tree that evening and into the processor the next morning. The next morning we had an opportunity at a big 6x6 bull off the dug way but he just kept giving us the slip. We were having a hard time finding the elk and then it wouldn't present us with a good shot. The next couple days were kind of slow. We had some good weather blow in but didn't have the elk move in like we thought we were going to. The last evening we shot a another nice 5x5 bull in the lower meadow out of Fort Charles. The elk made for a hard drag but we got it down off the mountain and quartered. We only shot two bulls but had a great time and saw a lot of elk. If we could have had the elk go our way we would have been 100% but that's why we call it hunting.