Recap of First Season 2014
Our first season elk hunt was a success, we were 100% on bulls. The weather started out like a typical first season elk hunt the highs were in the 60's during the day and 30's at night. Opening day we were seeing lots of elk; we had hunters in the lower meadow and in cow creek. The elk just kept giving us the slip. We had fairly good opportunities but everything wasn't lining up just right. Sunday morning we shot a bull behind the cabin just before some bad weather blew in. The rest of the day was snowed up and didn't give us much of a window of visibility to hunt most of our stands. Monday morning the weather cleared out and we shot a bull first thing in the morning behind the cabin. The afternoon was pretty slow but we ended up shooting a bull in cow creek around 4:30pm. Tuesday was fairly hot, we had weather in the 70's. The elk weren't moving much, we saw a couple elk but nothing to shoot at. Wednesday was our last day of the first season elk hunt. Weather wasn't really cooperating with us. There was one hunter left to fill and when you have one hunter trying to cover the whole property it can sometimes be a guessing game on where to put him or her. As of now we had most of our success behind the cabin, and our last hunter wanted to hunt up there - well he chose right -at the last twenty minutes of the hunt he shot a bull. We hung the elk that night and de-boned it in the morning. Second season starts Saturday the 18th. We have six hunters coming in, so look for a recap of that hunt in a couple weeks.