Antelope Hunting Tips
Putting a stalk on an antelope in the middle of the plains can sometimes be tricky. It is good to have as many antelope hunting tips as possible before attempting to shoot one.
There are many helpful antelope hunting tips out there. One Antelope hunting tip that I would like to put emphasis on is dealing with an antelope’s vision. Everyone may or may not realize that antelope have amazing eyesight. They are said to have ten power vision, which means when you are looking through a pair or 10/42 binoculars at an antelope the antelope is looking right back at you the same way through their eyes. Knowing this, we should realize that vision would be an antelope's greatest defense mechanism. So one antelope hunting tip I would suggest is that we use this knowledge whenever necessary during our hunt. If you are putting a stalk on an antelope and you have to choose between being seen or being smelled you need to choose the route that keeps you less visible even if the wind is at your back. Although the antelope might smell you, they rely on their vision more so than they rely on their sense of smell. I have been antelope hunting many times when I was putting the stalk on antelope with the wind at my back and most of the time they will not run unless they get a visual. But knowing that, when you are going to be visible there will be a lot of eyes on you so you better have a great plan on getting set up and getting your shot off before the antelope spot you. So one of the most important antelope hunting tips is that antelope will trust their eyesight over their sense of smell.